Solo exhibition at Sage Culture, Los Angeles, CA
April 30- June 25th, 2022
-exhibition statement-
Diagenesis (n): The physical and chemical changes occurring during the conversion of sediment to sedimentary rock.
The works in this exhibition portray my ongoing exploration of clay and mineral resources collected from the Minnesota River Valley and their conversion from raw materials to finished art forms.
Through various approaches to working, I am interested in showcasing the unique properties and geologic history of these resources within the distinct stages of my studio practice: examination of raw materials, research and testing, production of forms, and reclamation of waste. During each stage, I carefully observe and adjust my physical presence to achieve a balance between the intrinsic voice of materials and my own creative intent.
Collectively, the research and work presented are the culmination of an evolving relationship with this region and its resources over a five-year time span.
Click here to view the full exhibition catalogue with additional information

gallery view

Anamnesis #12

Anamnesis #7 & #12, The Conservation of Matter #7

Anamnesis #13, 9, 10, 11

Anamnesis #14

Initial Material Studies

Initial Material Studies

The Conservation of Matter #5, Anamnesis #15

The Conservation of Matter #5, Anamnesis #15

The Conservation of Matter: #5

Gallery View

The Conservation of Matter #8 & #9

Raw Clay Installation

Raw Clay Installation Detail

The Conservation of Matter: #6 & #4

The Conservation of Matter: #6 & #4

Anamnesis #9 & #10